
常州市天方线业有限公司位于常州市金坛经济开发区,是长三角开放城市之一,东近上海,西偎南京。这里四季分明,气候宜人,资源丰富,市场繁荣,交通便利。本公司是一家专业生产全棉线的生产制造商,集研发、生产、销售于一体。 本公司成立于2002年,投资总规模为600万元,确定了依托技术开拓市场的经营策略,先后配备了国内外先进生产设备。公司主要经营及加工各种规格纱支的双股、三股、多股全棉线和特种纱线(需来样确认,且可根据客户要求漂白、染色,上蜡\过浆)。同时专业生产适用于河南、洛阳南峰牌饮品系列全自动袋泡茶包装机的专用全棉本白线及意大利伊马自动机器、阿根廷机器袋泡茶包装机的专用全棉线。本公司产品广泛运用于草席、电缆填充、地毯、工艺用线、绿化、毛巾、袜子、劳保手套、线毯、窗帘、吊牌用线、各种工业用线…… 公司在长期发展过程中,经过全体员工的共同努力和辛勤耕耘,坚持以人为本,科学管理,在同行中享有较好的口碑。由于专一生产100%全棉本白线,因此必须实现车间恒温恒湿,达到国际卫生标准,保证纱线质量。本公司产品已出口到美国、俄罗斯、日本、韩国、捷克等多个国家和地区,并分销往国内各个城市,质量均获得一致好评,获得了良好的声誉,为本公司拓展海外市场及巩固国内市场奠定了坚实的基础。 诚信第一,品质保证,服务至上,互利互惠,一直是我们坚持的原则!欢迎国内外客商友好合作,共创美好明天! Changzhou Tianfang Thread-making Co.,LTD is located in the Changzhou Jintan economic development zone, which is one of the open cities of the Yangtze River delta, it is east of Shanghai, west of Nanjing. This company had been established in 2002, with the investments of ¥6,000,000.Our management strategy depends on the technology to develop the markets, we own the domestic and foreign advanced production equipments such as Germany machines.Our company mainly manages and processes varieties of specification of cotton thread at all scales, the double ply, three ply, the multi-ply and the special cotton thread(need incoming sample to confirm that, also may act according to customers’ requests, like blanching, dyeing, waxing \thick liquid).We manufacture the 100% unbleached, undyed pure cotton thread which is suitable for the tea bag packing machine of Maisa,Ima,constanta and Nangfeng. The principle which we persisted first is the good faith, the quality guaranteed, the service, the mutually beneficial reciprocal benefit!We warmly welcome you to visit our company! Thanks! Email:cztiafang(at)cztfxy(dot)com(dot)cn