苏州惠商软件科技是一家专业从事餐饮/零售行业信息化集成业务的高科技企业,在业内有着雄厚的技术实力和完善售后服务体系,为数以千计的店家长期提供优质的系统开发、实施和后续服务保障,赢得了较高的声誉和信任。 Suzhou Huishang Electronics Co.,Ltd is a high-tech enterprise engaging in commercial information system business with industry-leading technologies and a complete after-sale service system, which has provided thousands of enterprises with its extraordinary system development, implementation services and after-sales support to earn his high reputation and reliability. 通过了国家双软企业认证 ,是江苏省民营科技企业和科技型中小企业,享受国家科技补贴。 Through the national software enterprise certification, is a private technology enterprises in Jiangsu province and the small and medium-sized enterprise, enjoy the national science and technology subsidies. 创新引导潮流 服务赢得未来 Innovation leads the trend Service and after-sale to win the future.