珠帘!时尚软家居装饰产品, 灵动,美妙,风情万种......

为满足追求美及高素质的人们对家居装饰的高品位,个性化需求 ― 多而美珠饰 应运而生!拥有多年丰富的实体店铺经营经验,有实战能力,更好的服务于客户。无论您是想批发还是零售,无论用于家庭商业布置,还是想加入同行业成就一番事业!我们都将用极大的热情予以支持和帮助!热诚欢迎有志之士共同开拓美丽的珠帘事业!把美丽进行到底......

多而美珠饰 致力于开发设计并把更多更美更优质的珠帘产品带给广大的顾客朋友,"用我们百分努力换您十分满意!”诚实诚信,以人为本“本分做人,踏实做事“。珍视各界朋友每一次合作,共创美妙和谐的世界大家庭!

D&M is an wholesaler of bead curtain including acrylic and real glass , For over years , we have designed ,developed assortment of superb decorative bead curtains for home , events decoration ,wedding ... D&M gives proud attention to detail and craftsmanship. We are committed to both innovation and function while keeping pace with todays ever changing lifestyle.  With years experience and competitive prices , D&M will be your best choice in business partner.