          你好我是河北洮河公司的小编,今天我给大家介绍一下--- SR三元乙丙防渗盖片

我公司经过技术创新加入适宜防老剂提高其使用温度。以过氧化物交联的三元乙丙橡胶可在苛刻的条件下使用。三元乙丙橡胶在臭氧浓度 50pphm、拉伸30%的条件下,可达150h以上不龟裂。并且具有很强的耐腐蚀性,由于乙丙橡胶缺乏极性,不饱和度低,因而三元乙丙橡胶止水带对各种极性如醇、酸、碱、氧化剂、制冷剂、洗涤剂、动植物油、酮和脂等均有较好的抗耐性!

Our company has been able to increase its use temperature through technical innovation.

Ethylene propylene rubber with peroxide crosslinking can be used in harsh conditions.

In the condition that the ozone concentration 50pphm and stretch 30%, it can reach up to 150h without cracking.

And has a strong corrosion resistance, due to the lack of polarity ethylene propylene rubber low unsaturation, epdm rubber water-stop to all kinds of polarity such as alcohol, acid, alkali, oxidant, refrigerant, detergents, animal and plant oil, ketone and fat has good resistance to patience!

Because of ethylene-propylene rubber non-polar substituents in molecular structure, molecular cohesive energy is low, the molecular chain can maintain flexibility in a wider range, after natural rubber and butadiene rubber, and can remain in the low temperature.


三元乙丙防渗盖板的粘帖。GB柔性填料挤出成型后(填料表面平整、无明显凹凸不平现象),再把表面的脱模剂用湿棉纱擦掉,再用喷灯烤干,即可进行三元乙丙防渗保护盖板的粘贴。粘贴时,一边粘贴一边排出空气,并用橡皮锤敲击,使其粘合密实。三元乙丙防渗保护盖板粘贴好后,利用原先固定挤出机外模的膨胀螺栓来固定已钻孔的不锈钢压板,并在螺栓中心线两侧2 cm范围内沿长度方向涂刷SK底胶,待三元乙丙防渗保护盖板粘贴牢后,再压不锈钢压板并用螺母紧固。

The sticky note of epdm.

GB flexible packing after extrusion molding (packing surface smooth, no obvious uneven phenomenon), put on the surface of the mold release agent with a wet cotton yarn erase, reoccupy blowtorch to dry, you can paste for epdm impervious protection cover plate.

When pasting, paste the air out and use the rubber hammer to make it solid.

Epdm pasted after seepage protection cover plate to use the original fixed extrusion closed die bolts to fixed drilling of stainless steel plate, and within the scope of 2 cm on both sides of the center line of the bolt coating SK glue along the length direction, after waiting for epdm impervious protection cover plate paste prison, stainless steel plate and nut fastening pressure again.


三元乙丙三复合盖板是专门为混凝土面板坝接缝止水而研制的嵌缝、封缝止水材料,是SR 防渗体系止水结构(发明专利)中的主要防渗材料。三元乙丙三复合盖板以非硫化丁基橡胶为主要原料,经有机硅等高分子材料改性而成,具有塑性高、抗渗性好、耐老化、耐高低温性能好、常温冷施工等特性,是我国已建面板坝周边缝及垂直缝的的主要止水材料,已先后在包括世界第一高面板堆石坝——水布垭工程在内的近百项面板坝工程上得到成功应用。三元乙丙三复合盖板还是各种混凝土裂缝修补的常用防渗材料,已先后在三峡大坝上游面防渗、三峡永久船闸结构缝防渗、新安江大坝防渗处理、龙滩大坝坝面防渗等多项国家重点工程以及数百项其它水电、工民建工程中成功应用。
      Three yuan YiBingSan composite plate is specially developed for concrete face dam the and in water sealing, joint sealing material, is the SR anti-seepage system water stop structure (patent), the main seepage control material.

Ternary YiBingSan composite plate in a vulcanized butyl rubber as main raw materials, polymeric materials modified by organic silicon, etc, and has a high plasticity, good permeability resistance, ageing resistance, resistance to high and low temperature performance is good, normal temperature cold construction features, is our country has been built around the seam of the concrete face rockfill dam and vertical seam of the main water stop material, in including the world's tallest - of concrete face rockfill dam of the concrete face rockfill dam of shuibuya project, fit-out project successfully applied.

Ternary YiBingSan composite plate or all kinds of common seepage of concrete crack repair materials, has successively in the upstream face of the three gorges dam seepage control, the structure of the three gorges permanent lock stitch, xin an river dam seepage prevention of seepage prevention, longtan dam dam surface seepage control and so on many national key projects and hundreds of other hydropower, successful application in civil engineering.

1) 常规表面止水体系采用环氧树脂作为表面止水体系的底胶,不仅需要AB 双组分配置,而且粘度随温度变化很大,冬季施工时,由于底胶稠度太大,需要对环氧类底胶采取升温,夏季高温施工时,由于固化太快,又需要少量多次配置或者改变配方比例,操作繁复,给现场施工带来一定困难;而SR 配套底胶为单组分底胶,且稠度稀,不仅施工简便,而且用量也较之环氧类底胶降低很多,有其他厂家也有类似单组分底胶,但不能解决浸水粘接问题。

Conventional surface water system using epoxy resin as surface at the bottom of the rubber water stop system, not only need AB bicomponent configuration, and viscosity with temperature change is very big, the winter construction, due to the glue consistency is too big, need to take to epoxy glue, in construction of summer heat, due to the fast curing, and need a small amount of configuration or change the formula ratio, complicated operation, bring some difficulties to site construction;

And SR supporting the bottom to the bottom of the one-component adhesive, and consistency thin, not only the construction is simple, and the dosage is smaller than the epoxy primer, also have other manufacturers have similar one-component adhesive, but it can't solve the problem of flooding adhesive.

2) 环氧类底胶存在可操作时间限制:普通环氧类粘合剂可操作时间往往只有几十分钟,夏季时可能只有二十分钟,往往需要涂刷一小段施工一小段;而SR 配套底胶涂刷完毕后,只需等待实干后即可施工,如果没有灰尘覆盖上面,操作时间一般≥24小时,给施工带来极大的方便,即使有灰尘沾污底胶涂层也只需从新涂刷一层,且用量较第一次涂刷小很多。

Epoxy primer have operational time limit: general epoxy adhesive can operating time is often only a few minutes, in the summer may only twenty minutes, often need to besmear brushs a short period of construction for a short period;

Bottom after the rubber coating and the SR form a complete set, just waiting for work after the construction, if there is no dust cover above, operation time 24 hours or more commonly, bring great convenience to the construction, even if there is dust contamination glue coating a layer of coating are just the new, and dosage is besmear brushs little many for the first time

3) 环氧类底胶固化时间较长,施工完毕后需保证较长时间不能过水(一般为24小时),如在此期间遭遇降雨或者面板养护水,往往导致环氧底胶涂层粘结失效,就会在很大程度降低表面止水材料粘结效果导致渗径短路,不能满足防渗施工要求,需要局部修补、甚至全面返工,否则易造成渗漏隐患;而SR 配套底胶只需保证涂刷底胶时基面是干燥的,再需要赶施工进度情况下,只要涂层实干后,即使在小雨环境中也能施工,而且,一旦施工完毕,SR 防渗体系即能做到过水。采用SR 底胶系统,能有效提高SR 表面止水的施工质量,又能保证面板正常养护,更好适应在多雨地区/季节的工程,满足由于工期要求须在拉面板同时进行表面止水施工的工程需要。

End of epoxy adhesive curing time is longer, the construction is completed to ensure a long time can't over water (general for 24 hours), such as experience rainfall during this period or panel conserve water, often lead to epoxy primer coating adhesive failure, will greatly reduce the surface water stop material bonding effect causes the diameter short circuit, can not meet the requirement of the construction, need local repair, rework, even otherwise easy to cause leakage hidden trouble;

And form a complete set of SR glue just brushing glue time base surface is dry, then need to cast construction progress situation, as long as the coating after work, even in light rain environments construction, and, once completed, the SR water seepage control system that can be done.

Using the SR glue system, can effectively improve the SR the construction quality of surface water, and can guarantee normal maintenance panel, better adapt to engineering in rainy regions/season, at the same time to meet the requirement due to the time limit for a project shall be in panel surface water stop construction engineering needs.
橡胶2月达到年内高点后,开始呈阶梯式下跌,每次暴跌后伴随阶段性震荡整理平台,寻底过程如此重复七次,直至一线上方获得强有力的成本挺价支撑。多因素综合作用下,盘面低位整固反弹,走出三季度的小高橡胶止水带潮。炒作预期落空,多头获利了结,橡胶回落至[,]盘整区间。经过一段时间的震荡整理,盘面对区间上沿有效突破,预计调整后将回踩120日均线反弹。  甲醇双底形态反弹并站稳2620后,本队时间提示交易节奏平空翻多,4小时线来看,上冲2620后,经过回踩确认,期价稳步上涨来到2700前期箱体震荡区间上沿。操作上,支撑上移至2700整数关口,2700稳固后,配合原油上涨,第二目标2770,然后前期高点2858。注意15分钟线,2700之上出现头部形态,压橡胶止水带制较重。夜盘及周五重点关注的支撑,不下破继续参与多单,空单规。

   我公司集科研、设计、开发、生产、施工为一体,为建筑、水利、市政、桥梁工程各种结构的变形缝、沉降缝、伸缩缝、隔缝提供所需的各种防水、密封材料,也可提供材料及施工为一体的一条龙服务,以满足用户的需要。本公司生产的双组份聚硫密封胶规格齐全、质量优良、广泛用于水利、建筑、人防、地铁、桥梁、隧道、公路等国家重点工程。欢迎广大客户使用我公司的双组份聚硫密封胶。客服热线:15531885080技术专线:0318-2235080 QQ:913357702


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